The Catholic Cemetery is a holy place. These sacred grounds are blessed by the Church and dedicated as a place of prayer and dignity for our faithfully departed. Please maintain a quiet reverence and respect for the other people visiting the graves of loved ones.
All vehicles entering the cemetery shall be limited to 15 miles per hour through the cemetery grounds. Yield the right of way to all funeral services that may take place during your visit.
All graves are subject to foundation, monument, and inscription rules (see Foundation Regulations / Monument and Inscription Rules).
All graves are subject to the decorating regulations (see Decorating Regulations).
The cemetery cannot assume responsibility for damages incurred as a result of vandalism, theft, weather, or any causes beyond the control of the cemetery staff. The cemetery will, however, be responsible for any damage caused by the cemetery personnel and equipment.
Any conduct by persons not respecting the sanctity of the cemetery is prohibited. Any person caught during any act of vandalism will be reported to the City of Kalamazoo Public Safety Department. For all emergencies dial 911. The non-emergency number is 269-488-8911.
The interment of non-human remains (pets) is not permitted.
Cremated remains must be buried or placed in a columbarium. In accordance with the Catholic Church, it is not permitted for cremated remains to be loosely distributed or spread within cemetery grounds.
Water, where provided, is for watering flowers. Hoses and sprinklers are not permitted.
Alcoholic beverages are not permitted on the premises.